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вторник, 20 ноября 2012 г.

Rumors: New details of the new Playstation

This year closes British magazine PSM3. In the last issue was presented to the reader an article revealing available to journalists from the developers and sources of information for the next home console Sony. So, "Why 2013 will be the year of Playstation 4" or 15 facts about the new console

"This generation of consoles - the last, and I believe in it," - said Phil Eisler, head of Nvidia development of cloud gaming. Over the past five years, the market has changed dramatically consoles: digital copy, DLC, firmware updates, tablets, free-to-play, second-hand games, piracy, sequels, the rising cost of development, economic turmoil ... Almost everything we know about how we buy and play games, has now turned out irrelevant or questioned.

Sony goes against all of these circumstances, making the most important stake in the history of the game units: Playstation 4. This year, the company lost more than 3.5 billion pounds and launched a cash infusion the new console, which means that the Japanese have no room for error.

In this article, we have taken every rumor, leak and market trend regarding future superkonsoli Sony. And yet - as long as you have not asked, her code name - Orbis, and yes, we checked. We specified each fact our experts, market analysts and industrial insiders to create the most accurate description of the console there is. Of course, the features are not yet approved, but what you read - so far the most accurate information in the world. So, the future of video games is close and it is beautiful - more beautiful than you think ...

1. It is unlikely that it will be called PS4 ...

Sonia will not abandon the brand Playstation, but that the number "four" is open to question. Why? 1) It sounds cliche - even in the movies use subtitles, if the franchise grew trilogy. 2) "four" in Japanese sounds like "death" - for the same reason, there is no Japanese hospitals four chambers or even the fourth floor - the same as in the West, avoiding construction of 13-storey buildings. On the Japanese airline is not even the fourth row in the cabin! Not all Japanese people believe in superstitions, but the risk is not worth it. 3) One of the biggest leaks, which occurred in March at Kotaku, mention the code name Orbis. Type in the address bar and you will Orbis.SCEDev.net the closed section of the portal for developers. The same is true for NGP.SCEDevnet.com or Vita.SCEDevnet.com, but will not work if we set the top address PS4. 4) Vita is Latin for - life, Orbis Vitae - life cycle. It is logical, given that the console form a tandem. Life - a project to turn the Sony Playstation in the center of entertainment for the whole family. The name may change, but the Orbis - definitely a code name.

2. Will look like the game?

We have already seen the first game with PS4 - they just showed on powerful PCs. These were the Watch Dogs, Star Wars 1313 and Luminous technical demo of Square Enix from E3 2012. Our experts believe that the characteristics of the rumors (AMD, 4GB RAM) PS4 will be able to provide this level of graphics without a hitch and without a hitch. According to preliminary data, the console will be five times more powerful than its predecessor. Not so kryshesnosyasche as we had hoped, but the level of top-end PC games optimized for the hardware - too bad.

3. No 4K

In March, it was rumored that the PS4 will be able to play in the resolution 4096h2160 work, but this is unlikely. Sonia launches new TV with the resolution at the end of the year at a price of 25,000 dollarov.Nesmotrya this, we are skeptical of 4K-gaming, primarily due to technical capacity. PS3 theoretically can play 1080p-game, but it only works with a pair of titles like Wipeout. The majority of the hits and did work in the sub-HD for the stability of the frame rate. Even with super-iron PS4 unlikely to pull Skyrim at this resolution. If 4K and will appear in the console, only for video.

4. No resale of games

In Q4 2011, UK gamers spend 90 million pounds on used games. This is only 10% of the gaming market, but still a significant amount. For example, it's more of the total digital sales - but, unlike them, the developers do not see a dime from it. David Cage, the author of Heavy Rain, made an outspoken critic of the resale of games at GDC 2012: "I think it's wrong. People are cashing in on our work, but we do not assume any good. "

As a result, Sony can "protect" from the secondary market games on the new console. And this is true for figures and retail. Yes, Blu-Ray so far with us - Kaz Hirai said in an interview that in many parts of the world as long as the Internet connection is poor, and therefore, the company will not abandon physical media altogether. At least, not yet.

5. 4 GB of RAM. Or even more ...

Early rumors suggested that the PS4 will 8GB of RAM (4-8 times more than the PS3 - 512 MW, divided in the ratio of 256 MB for video, 256 - for the system). Do Wii U 2 gigabytes - one for games, one - for menus and applications. Microsoft is reportedly planning to 8 gigabytes of RAM, 6 of which will be for games. Impressive.

Why is this important? This allows you to run more processes in the background at the same time instead of downloads at the transition between the two. If the hard drive - a place in your office, the memory - a place at your table. That lack of RAM causes lag in games with open world like Skyrim.

More RAM - best texture and smaller downloads such as those that are at the entrance to the building in the GTA. All the latest techno-demo shown on computers with lots of memory.

If Microsoft stops 8GB, Sony will have to comply - or wait for the console ports trimmed with a competitor. Yes, it will eventually affect the price of iron, but there is no alternative.

6. Writing PS4, Flash in the mind

Another rumor - PS4 will have a 16GB flash-memory applications, system upgrades and other things, like the recently released PS3 Slim. Why? SSD faster, quieter, and less than the standard HDD - but much more expensive. If this proves true, then update the system and put the patches for the games will be easier. Boring bars download and install a thing of the past - Sony aims to minimize these processes or perform their scenes. Remember the iPad - is just to open the Smart Cover, the device is immediately ready for use. Long download PS3-games on this background look archaic. Japanese engineers aim - to reduce the time between "decide to play in something" and "to start playing."

7. No turning back

In the PS4 will not be backwards compatible. It sounds logical. In the PS3 it was abandoned back in 2009, and Sony is unlikely to act otherwise with the new console. Furthermore, the purchase of Gaikai theoretically allows Sony Stream their entire library of online games for all their devices (TVs, tablets and so on). Gaikai recently updated its website, adding images from Playstation Universe heroes of such series as Uncharted, Killzone and God of War, adding a press release saying, "We are working with SCE to improve our platform, but for now we can not talk about it more. "

8. The games will be tied to the PSN-account

We assume that the new console will have to register the purchased discs PSN. You will be able to install them on the console itself or download the digital version free of charge in case of damage the disc. Steam - a striking example of this approach. PS4 not have to be constantly on the Net - Internet only for activation.

What will happen to Blu-Ray? They can still be resold - but as "locked" demo. Imagine EA Online Pass, where you need to pay for the re-activation disk in case of resale. It will not kill the entire market of used games, but stores like Gamestop would deprive a large share of profits may force them to boycott the new console.

This information is not completely accurate, but it has confirmed a number of independent sources of our publication. Microsoft, rumored to be planning the same thing.

9. Flourishing Playstation Plus

Days games £ 40 to offset the cost of iron console are numbered. Gamers are buying fewer and fewer games, preferring proven hits like FIFA or Call of Duty. Salvation for everyone else - a model of subscriptions, digital distribution and release DLC. Sony wants to join the partition of the new market by introducing new, more flexible business model. This year, the PS + began to appear AAA-hits like Infamous 2, Dead Space 2 or Red Dead Redemption. According to surveys, 97 percent of users are satisfied with the service library of games, and 93 percent will renew the subscription. Sony stated that PS + will play an important role in the promotion of consoles, and it's a great way to introduce new owners to its library of games consoles.

PS + can subsidize expensive iron PS4, as contracts with mobile operators to subsidize expensive smartphones. How about buy a PS4 for 99 pounds by signing up for 2 years PS + for, say, 12 pounds in a month? Microsoft already offers something similar in the U.S., probing the soil.

10. Evolution of PS Move

Dualshock has become a classic in the management game, but the PS4 is to offer something new. Microsoft developed Kinect, and Sony plans to develop Move - technologies that are in development for 10 years. Wonderbook - a hit, and Sony wants to do similar projects in the future. Perhaps, Sony will include Move-compatible controller and a camera included with every new console, presenting it as one of the basic functions. May be updated and Dualshock, offering management, similar to PS Vita and Wii U. Such a move could come strong response to Nintendo. Sony also managed to patent a more extravagant design, such as sensors, changing the temperature controller (cooling it, if you have sweaty hands, or heating, simulating overheating weapons in shooters) control using a combination of wristband and augmented reality glasses, or to watch TV, and three see three different images. All this while it sounds fantastic, but, for example, 3D-displays are able to create an independent image for the two players today.

11. Cloud gaming as a new way to sell games

Library of games Playstation - one of the main advantages of Sony. Earn it, using Gaikai - hence offset the costs of expensive hardware and the development of new hits. Subscribe to old games with Netflix perfectly fit into the new Playstation Plus, both standard and optional for players. Gaikai spoke of a "new way to distribute games, which they have not yet say not to help competitors." Perhaps this is hourly rate games?

12. In-game advertising

You look astounding cutscene, and before you are shown the main boss ... "Megakola, only 2 pounds! Buy it now ". It sounds impossible, but Sony plans to include in the game advertising. In 2011, they patented interactive videos in which the gameplay stops, until you see advertising. In 2012 Sony patented a way to turn TV advertising in a multiplayer game using the cloud gaming. Find 10 burgers on the picture to complete the movie? Shout "McDonalds!" To continue? Probably not, but Sony is clearly something is cooking. And if the model is 40 lbs games themselves become obsolete, the game will still need to pay for something. Uncharted 4: in search of crumbs, potatoes? Sounds not very appetizing.

13. Four cores from AMD

The June rumors, Sony will use the work on 28-nm process technology processor, code-named «Liverpool». The less nanometers, the more transistors fit on a chip and the lower power consumption, but the harder it is to produce. For comparison, Cell on PS3 was the first 90 - and later 45-nanometer over 6 years of production console.

Clock frequency of 3.2 GHz, which is not impressive. Help him be a powerful graphics card Radeon HD 7970 (worth £ 300 alone). Sony is trying to create PS4 from an existing PC hardware to simplify production and to facilitate porting. This is a big step forward compared to the Cell, which is designed for everything - from refrigerators to TV. Standard architecture to avoid problems such as those that occurred when moving from Skyrim Xbox 360 to PS3. Developers will be easier to work on games for the new console, and not have to learn over the years to work with.

14. Games, games, games

Kotaku reports that the most important developers received the first prototypes of Orbis in early 2012, and at the end of the year they receive almost all of the major studios. However, there is a chance that the interior studio Sony were virgins whales back in 2011.

Sony Santa Monica in parallel with the work on the new God of War creates a "new IP», according to the jobs on the studio. Seth Killian, who previously worked on the TV series Street Fighter, led the development of unannounced project.

Amsterdam geeks of Guerilla, created Killzone, are working on something new with Sony Cambridge. It can be as Killzone 4, and the new franchise.

Naughty Dog is also divided into two teams, and until one finishes The Last of Us, the other is silent - maybe it's Uncharted 4 on the PS4? Evan Wells, the head of the studio, said that the idea of ​​a new generation of consoles, "inspires" him, though, and did not confirm the existence of this.

Third-party developers are not sitting idle. Frank Zhibo from EA talking about "4-5 games" for "device that struck him to the core." Infinity Ward, the creators of Call of Duty, recruited engineers to "development of a new generation of games," the same can be said of Respawn. Ready at Dawn, the creators of God of War game for the PSP, is also planning a major project for the home consoles.

15. When and for how much?

Standard equipment will allow Sony to save compared to Cell, but the iron will still be expensive. Card will cost about 300 pounds, and yet still do not forget about flzhsh memory, hard disk at 320-500 GB, camera, controller, drive to drive and much more. Wii U is called the "expensive" at a price of 250 pounds, but the PS4 is unlikely to be cheaper than 400-500 pounds (and even then it will be selling at a loss). The price may be subsidized subscription to PS +, or you never know, advertising in games. This is all speculation, but the console will not be exactly cheap.

When launching? Someone says early 2014, but we are of the view that it will be held in late 2013. Games are one and a half years, and an invitation to E3 2012 from the developers talk about "E3, not to be missed" and "something new." Microsoft plans to launch in 2013, and is unlikely to repeat the mistake Sony, giving his opponent a head start.

The very same company is silent, saying that that "will not start until a significant technological breakthrough" that that "we never were the first or the cheapest." However, the developers write the "new console in 2013", and confirm this information leakage.

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